Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Metal Roofing Catlett VA

Metal Roofing Catlett VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. I will show our sample for Metal Roofing Catlett VA. In this video I will also show our patented ventilation system that will transform the temperature in your attic from 150 degrees to 103 degrees.  We have been working on this our ventilation system for over 10 years and now have one that works amazingly.

Standing Seam Metal RoofIng  Metal Roofing Catlett VA cropped fairfaxblogmianpic1Standing Seam Metal RoofIng

Most homes have problems with hot air in attics, I know mine does.  You might be wondering why I have not installed this system in my own house.  The reason is because I just bought it 5 months ago, but I will be installed our under metal roof ventilation system in my home asap.  We installed this system in my first house as a prototype and it worked so well that I could not even believe it.  In fact we bought our new house and we were still working on putting our old house on the market.  I had set the AC way up because we were not living in the house it was around 86 degrees inside the house.  I had to do some clean up and move some boxes out; it was hot so I turned the AC down to 76.  It had been about 10 minutes and the AC turned off and I thought "oh no it just quite working."  Nope it reached its set point of 76 degrees in 10 minutes, and that was mainly because of our under roof ventilation system.  Before we installed that system it would take much longer to cool my old house.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Catlett VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip code of 20119.
Thanks for reading Metal Roofing Catlett VA

Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Catlett VA Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. I will show our sample for Metal Roofing Catlett VA. In this video I will also show our patented ventilation system that will transform the temperature in your attic from 150 degrees to 103 degrees.  We have been working on this our [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few. Check us out but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

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