Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hail Damage Middletown Virginia

Hail Damage Middletown Virginia

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This Blog Post was made for Hail Damage Middletown Virginia.  This It is obvious as you drive down Route 11 and enjoy the beautiful historic village of Middletown Virginia that the most high tech roofs available in the early 1900's was a painted terned tin roof. This begs a question, how would a tin roof stand up to a hail storm? Unlike our modern painted steel roofs these historic tin roofs that populate Middletown don't fare very well when a hail stone of 1" in diameter hit them. Why bring this up in the first place you might ask? On July 3rd of this year (2014) there was a hail storm that passed through this

Hail Damage Middletown Virginia Hail Damage Middletown Virginia Hail Damage Middletown Virginia HailDamageStanding Seam Metal Roofing, Hail Damage Middletown Virginia

area that produced hail over 2" in diameter. More than likely every tin roof was affected. Since hail is a covered peril in all HO3 homeowners insurance policies most of these roofs will qualify for a full replacement. We have been asked what damage hail does to a tin roof if they don't leak afterward. These metal roofs basically fall into the same category as the metal roof on your car. If and when you ever sell your home and the sales inspection finds dents then you will probably be asked to cover the cost of replacement by reducing the sales price.

For more information on hail damage to metal roofs please visit our Hail Damage FAQ page we have our information and contact info, and also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Hail Damage Middletown Virginia, you can also contact us by phone 540-222-1642 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Hail Damage Middletown Virginia


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 2265, 22649, 22645.
Thanks for reading Hail Damage Middletown Virginia

Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Stephens City, Winchester or any other part of Northern Virginia, Berryville, or Strasburg contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.

Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Hail Damage Middletown Virginia Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This Blog Post was made for Hail Damage Middletown Virginia.  This It is obvious as you drive down Route 11 and enjoy the beautiful historic village of Middletown Virginia that the most high tech roofs available in the early 1900's was a [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few.

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Hail Damage Middletown Virginia

Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia

Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This blog post was made for Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia.  As you drive south on Route 11 from Stephens City you will enter the quaint village of Middletown Virginia. Just before the first (and only) traffic light you will notice the Wayfarer's Inn on the right. It has provided hospitality to the Northern Virginia area since 1797 and with the advent of paved roads in the 20th century was often called The First Motor Inn in America. As you continue on your attention will be drawn to the numerous homes and businesses with painted tin roofs. Most of these tin roofs were installed in the early 1900's and are over 110 years old! Even though these roofs are beautiful and represent the latest in technology at the start of that century there are a few inherent disadvantageous that are common in these beautiful old homes.

    We, at Alpha Rain, have been working hard to solve these problems and we are now introducing a special self-ventilating roof system that reduces the heat in the attics and second floors of these historic homes. There has been a

Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia White 3 AfterStanding Seam Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia

way to ventilate roofs and attics since we started building houses. In the past the building techniques were not very attentive to energy efficiency and these old homes had no soffit or ridge vents to ventilate the attic because they were so drafty it didn't matter. Now with better insulation and new windows and doors to update these historic treasures we had a need for an inexpensive way to retrofit them with a high tech solution.

    That solution is the Therma Vent automatic self-ventilating system.  Below we have our information and contact info, and also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia, you can also contact us by phone 540-222-1642 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 2265, 22649, 22645.


Read more at: Hail Damage Stephens City VA | Alpha Rain Metal Roofing
Thanks for reading Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia

Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Marshall, Winchester or any other part of Northern Virginia, Berryville, or Strasburg contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.

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Metal Roofing Middletown Virginia

Stephens City Virginia Hail

Stephens City Virginia Hail

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This blog post was made for Stephens City Virginia Hail.  There was recent Hail in Stephen City Va, and also in Middletown Va from a storm that was during the evening of July 3, 2014 the day before independence day.  We have already talked with customers from these areas to find that some did in fact have damage from the hail and wind to their metal or tin roofs.  We offer a no obligation free inspection, we are a family own and run business so it would be either my father or I that would come out and talk with you and give the inspection.  Our shop is about 25 minutes down the road and we would enjoy the opportunity to assist you.

Did you know that a hail storm 1/10 the size of a Category 3 hurricane can cause as much or more property damage? In a hail storm with hail stones that are golf ball size or larger almost every home incurs damage and a majority

Stephens City Virginia Hail Stephens City Virginia Hail Stephens City Virginia Hail HailDamageStanding Seam Metal Roofing, Stephens City Virginia Hail

needs total roof replacement. If the roof is a tin roof, like many in Stephens City, then most of those roofs will qualify for replacement. The hail storm of July 3rd, 2014 certainly qualifies as one of these storms as the hail reached up to 2" in diameter. Before you make a claim you should have a qualified inspector assess the damage to your roof. In Virginia there is no licensing for insurance adjusters. That means that the adjuster who comes to inspect your roof may not have any experience as an insurance adjuster.  Hail inspections on roofs take many years and a lot of hands on experience. We even had a hail claim turned down because the adjusters said that the 1000's and 1000's of dents in the metal roof and metal siding were from a B.B. gun! It is very important to have proper representation when making a hail claim.  We have the knowledge to show the inspectors where the hail damage is what it looks like, call Us Alpha Rain at 540-222-1642 and we will take care of all the details as well as installing the metal roof.  Also Our FAQ Hail Page

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Stephens City Virginia Hail, you can also contact us by phone 540-222-1642 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Stephens City Virginia Hail

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 2265, 22649, 22645.
Thanks for reading Stephens City Virginia Hail

Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Marshall, Winchester or any other part of Northern Virginia, Berryville, or Strasburg contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.



Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Stephens City Virginia Hail Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This blog post was made for Stephens City Virginia Hail.  There was recent Hail in Stephen City Va, and also in Middletown Va from a storm that was during the evening of July 3, 2014 the day before independence day.  We [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few.

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Stephens City Virginia Hail

Hail Damage Stephens City VA

Hail Damage Stephens City VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This post was made for Hail Damage Stephens City VA.  It takes a golf ball size hail stone to damage an asphalt shingle roof but only a 1" size hail stone to damage a tin roof. On the evening of July 3rd of this year there was a hail storm that moved through Stephens City and Middletown VA. The hail was as large as 2" in diameter. All homeowners' policies in Virginia have three primary covered perils, wind, fire and hail. You might ask, "How does hail damage a tin roof if it doesn't make the roof leak?" Think about the metal roof of your car. Hail dents rarely make a car roof leak and yet you wouldn't hesitate to make a hail claim on your car if it was damaged by hail. Why? Hail dents in a roof are similar to hail dents in a car body, both of them are less valuable after they are dented. We suggest that after a hail storm you have a

Hail Damage Stephens City VA Hail Damage Stephens City VA Hail Damage Stephens City VA cropped fairfaxblogmianpic1Standing Seam Metal RoofIng Hail Damage Stephens City VA

qualified inspector take a look at your roof. We have been talking with people and found that there has been damage from the hail and the winds on come customers houses.  A qualified inspector should know how to detect damage to a metal roof and have a thorough knowledge of insurance policies. At Alpha Rain all of our representatives have a property adjustor's license and many years of hail damage appraisals. For more information visit the FAQ page of our website or call Alpha Rain at 540-222-1642

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Hail Damage Stephens City VA you can also contact us by phone 540-222-1642 or by email or 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Hail Damage Stephens City VA

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 2265, 22649, 22645.
Thanks for reading Hail Damage Stephens City VA

Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Marshall, Winchester or any other part of Northern Virginia, Berryville, or Strasburg contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.

Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Hail Damage Stephens City VA Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This post was made for Hail Damage Stephens City VA.  It takes a golf ball size hail stone to damage an asphalt shingle roof but only a 1" size hail stone to damage a tin roof. On the evening of July [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few.

Opening hours

Monday 8::00 - 5:00
Friday 8:00 - 5:00
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Hail Damage Stephens City VA

Friday, October 17, 2014

Metal Roofing Stephens City VA

Metal Roofing Stephens City VA

Metal Roofing Stephens City VA

Metal Roofing Stephens City VA Metal Roofing Stephens City VA Metal Roofing Stephens City VA Dscf1112Standing Seam Metal Roofing Stephens City VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This post was writing for Metal Roofing Stephens City VA.  If you are driving through Virginia on old Route 11 you will find yourself in the quaint town of Stephens City. You will notice that there are many historic homes with painted tin roofs. In some cases these tin roofs are the original roof and date back more than 115 years. These beautiful painted roofs had an original lifespan of 80 years but because of good maintenance have weathered the test of time. Most of these older homes were so drafty that when they were built there was no thought to ventilating the attic or roof area. Now that many have been updated with energy efficient doors and windows all the heat that used to vent out through the windows and doors now stays in the house and is trapped in the attic. In some cases the second floor is so warm in the summer that they can't be used. We, at Alpha Rain, have been working to solve this issue without having to install costly soffit vents. Our Energy Efficient Therma Vent System does just that. Using Thermal breaks, convective ventilation as well as Radiant barrier technology we can now lower the usual 150 degree attic to around 100 degrees.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Metal Roofing Stephens City VAyou can also contact us by phone 540-222-1642 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Stephens City VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20175, 20176.
Thanks for reading Metal Roofing Stephens City VA

Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Winchester, Berryville, Middletown or any other part of Northern Virginia, Front Royal, The Plains, or Nokesville contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.

Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Stephens City VA Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This post was writing for Metal Roofing Stephens City VA.  If you are driving through Virginia on old Route 11 you will find yourself in the quaint town of Stephens City. You will notice that there are many historic homes with [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few.

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Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia

Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia


Metal Roofing Orlean Market Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia Orlean MarketStanding Seam Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This post is for Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia.  We have installed many metal roofs near and in Orlean VA.  One of the roofs we installed about 10 years ago was the Orlean Market, and it still looks almost new.  We are now offering a ventilation system that is installed under the metal roof itself; I will show a sample of this in the video below.

I wish we created our under metal roof ventilation system long before now, but we have been working with this type of technology for about 10 years now.  It was a long process but now are getting amazing results.  In most attics when we test the temperature it is over 150-170 degree when it is over 85 degrees outside.  This will save you between 10-40% in cooling costs.  We have seen these saving on homes we have completed this install of our under metal roof ventilation system.  On my house I saw between 10-15% savings and on our foreman's house we saw about a 20-25% savings in cooling costs.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia, you can also contact us by phone 540-222-1642 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20128
Thanks for reading Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia

Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Marshall, Bealeton or any other part of Northern Virginia, Remington, The Plains, or Nokesville contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.


Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia   Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This post is for Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia.  We have installed many metal roofs near and in Orlean VA.  One of the roofs we installed about 10 years ago was the Orlean Market, and it still looks almost new.  We are [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few.

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Metal Roofing Orlean Virginia

Metal Roofing Hume Virginia

Metal Roofing Hume Virginia

Metal Roofing Hume Virginia


Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This post was written for Metal roofing Hume Virginia.  We have installed many Metal roofs in and around Hume VA.  The one house right near the main part of Hume with a matte black metal roof we installed.  We are the metal roofing company and have been specializing in metal roofing for over 15 years.  In this video we will show you our patented ventilation system that is installed under the metal roof.  
Most people think that when we are talking about our under metal roof ventilation that we are referring to soffit vents or venting the attic.  While those are part of our system, without using soffit vents, we still vent your attic and allow the hot air to escape through our custom made metal ridge vent.  The above is important but not the key is venting under the roof and keeping the hot air from even getting into your attic.  We install under the roof a vented grooved panel that allows for the hot air to rise and escape through the same custom ridge vent that is allowing the hot air in your attic to escape.  There is not another ventilation system for roofing that can boost the fact that we will get your attic down to the same air temperature as the outside air temperature just by installing this system.  Please talk to us about how we install this system and if it would be right for your house.

Metal Roofing Hume Virginia  Metal Roofing Hume Virginia 8Standing Seam Metal Roofing Hume Virginia

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Metal Roofing Hume Virginia, you can also contact us by phone 540-222-1642 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Hume Virginia

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 22639
Thanks for reading Metal Roofing Hume Virginia

Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Marshall, Bealeton or any other part of Northern Virginia, Remington, The Plains, or Nokesville contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.

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Metal Roofing Midland Virginia

Metal Roofing Midland Virginia


Metal Roofing Midland Virginia Metal Roofing Midland Virginia Metal Roofing Midland Virginia BoneWhiteMetal Roofing Midland Virginia White Standing Seam metal roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. This is for Metal Roofing Midland Virginia.  We are the metal roof specialist we have been installing metal roofing for over 15 years.  In the last 10 years we have been working on a ventilation system which we now offer.  This ventilation system is patented and something we Alpha Rain only install.

Over the last couple of decades we have seen major problems with heat in attics and second floors of homes.  Even in first floors of homes.  When we saw this problem we knew that something needed to be done.  We search for answers in the manufacture world of roofing and all we hear was soffit vents and ridge vents.  When we would test homes that had both installed properly we found that the average attic was still over 150 degrees on a 90 degree day.  We found with homes that did not have ridge vents or soffit vents that it was around 170 degrees, so soffit and ridge vents help but not very much. 

As we tried different ventilation options we were never satisfied and finally decided that we would have to create a solution for our own customers.  We have completed this task and now offer it to you as our under metal roof ventilation system.  When we install this option in your house it will change those temperatures down to the same air temperature as the outside.  This means if the outside air temperature is 96 degrees then the base of your attic will be 96 and the peak will be about 103 degrees.  This is huge difference.  Please contact us for more info.

Below we have our information and contact info.  Also below I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide yourself.  Take a look at the video below named Metal Roofing Midland Virginia you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Midland Virginia

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 22728
Thanks for reading Metal Roofing Midland Virginia


Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Marshall, Bealeton or any other part of Northern Virginia, Remington, The Plains, or Nokesville contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.

Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Midland Virginia   Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. This is for Metal Roofing Midland Virginia.  We are the metal roof specialist we have been installing metal roofing for over 15 years.  In the last 10 years we have been working on a ventilation system which we now offer.  This [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few.

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Metal Roofing Midland Virginia

Metal Roofing Opal Virginia

Metal Roofing Opal Virginia

Metal Roofing Opal Virginia

Metal Roofing Opal Virginia Metal Roofing Opal Virginia Metal Roofing Opal Virginia Hartford GreenHartford Green Standing Seam Metal Roofing Opal Virginia

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  Metal Roofing Opal Virginia, we used to have our shop in Opal and are very familiar with the area.  We are the metal roof specialist; we have been installing only metal roofs for over 15 years and are now installing Alpha Rain's patented under roof ventilation system on our metal roofing systems.

We have found the need for ventilation with Metal Roofing in attics and have now designed and make a complete under roof ventilation system unknown to any other Metal roofing company in the U.S.  Soon we will be making this product for any other company to buy and use on their own shingle roofing or metal roofing jobs, but right now we are not set up for that and are only offering it to you our very own Alpha Rain customers.  This system works so well that you will see savings starting in the 10% range going all the way up to 50% reduction in your cooling costs.

I installed this system in my first house as a prototype, the house was built in 1993 and I saw about a 10% saving or a little more.  We install this system on a under metal roof ventilation system at our foreman's house and it was built in 1978.  He saw about a 20%-25% savings in cooling costs.  This system will help in the winder as well.  The cost is around $2.00 per square roof more when having a metal roof installed.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.  Take a look at the video below named Metal Roofing Opal Virginia you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Opal Virginia

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The article was made for the zip codes of 20186.
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Alpha Rain installs only the top of the line Metal Roofing Systems that comes with a 35 year warranty on the Paint from Peeling or fading.  We offer a low gloss matte finish prepainted metal roof that maximizes energy efficient.  We are a part of the Metal Roofing Alliance as list above, which is a great place to get more metal roofing information.  Please Contact us for more information or for a free estimate for metal roofing if you live in or around, Warrenton, Marshall, Bealeton or any other part of Northern Virginia, Remington, The Plains, or Nokesville contact us for prices on your new steel roofing.

Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Opal Virginia Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  Metal Roofing Opal Virginia, we used to have our shop in Opal and are very familiar with the area.  We are the metal roof specialist; we have been installing only metal roofs for over 15 years and are now installing Alpha Rain's [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

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Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few.

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Metal Roofing Warrenton VA

Metal Roofing Warrenton VA


Metal Roofing Warrenton VA Metal Roofing Warrenton VA Metal Roofing Warrenton VA Slide 2Evergreen Standing Seam Metal Roofing Warrenton VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company I have made this blog for Metal Roofing Warrenton VA.  We are based out of Warrenton VA and are the metal roof specialist of Virginia.  We have only been installing metal roofing for over 15 years and are now installing our patented under roof ventilation system that we have been working on for over 10 years.  This is a great system that will lower your attic temperature from 150 degrees down to 103 degrees.

We are the industry standard when it comes to ventilation and saving energy through under metal roof ventilation.  In fact there is not another company or manufacture that has the same test result we have.  We are able to change your attic air temperature from 150 degree plus all the way down to the same as the outside air temperature.  What that means to you is that your AC will not be fighting against 150 degree it will only be up against 85 or 90 degrees whatever the outside air temperature is on a given day.

The next question you are going to ask is how much is this going to cost me it sounds exspensive.  We can in install this under metal roof ventilation system on our just release Econo Metal roofing so in some cases you have a metal roof installed with the cost being about the same price as shingles and then the cost of the ventilation system is going to run about $2.00 per square foot.  This is a great system and in fact we have installed it even in older home for metal roofing Warrenton VA.


Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  This is where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, our optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, or our No leak W Valley, No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, or our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few.  We leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.  Take a look at the video below named Metal Roofing Warrenton VA, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Warrenton VA


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The article was made for the zip codes of 20187, 20186, 20188
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Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Warrenton VA   Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company I have made this blog for Metal Roofing Warrenton VA.  We are based out of Warrenton VA and are the metal roof specialist of Virginia.  We have only been installing metal roofing for over 15 years and are now installing our [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

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Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few. Check us out but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

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Metal Roofing Warrenton VA

Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA

Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA

Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA


Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  Metal Roofing for Vint Hill VA area, we have a ventilation system that I will show you, that has done amazing results for our customers.  We have been working on this system of ventilation for over the past 10 years.  Are you are getting a new metal roof installed if so you need to take a look at this system.  We are able to take 150 degree attics down to 103 degree and even lower in many cases.

I will ask the question is it hot in your attic or upstairs floor during the summer.  Quit a few times customers will say no, even though when I test the temperature in their attic they are surprised to see that it is over 150 degrees on an 85 degree day.  This is not surprising to us; on average we will see temperature of up to 170 degrees in the attic.

Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA whyalpharainStanding Seam Metal Roofing Vint HIll VA

Now I want to ask you a question, if you have 150 degrees in your attic, and you answer to the question about it being hot in your second floor during the summer months is "no it is not hot."  Then think about what is happening, your AC first of all is working very hard to keep the 150 plus degree out of your attic from entering you second floor. Second it is costing you quite a bit extra to keep your home cool.  Your AC is trying to cool from 150-170 down to 75 degrees.  Your AC is trying to fight 75-95 degrees of extra hot air temperature in your attic. 

All this can be solved with our under Metal roof ventilation system, we have consistently taken attic air temperature from 150 degree down to 103 in the peak of the attic and the same outside air temperature in the base of the attic.  Now on a 96 degree day your attic only has to cool from 96 degrees down to 75, which means 21 degrees.  This is vs. the AC trying to fight and cool down 75-95 degrees.  If you looking for Metal Roofing in Vent Hill VA please consider us, we are based out of Warrenton Virginia just down the road.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.  Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA


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The article was made for the zip codes of 20186,20187
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Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Vint Hill VA   Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  Metal Roofing for Vint Hill VA area, we have a ventilation system that I will show you, that has done amazing results for our customers.  We have been working on this system of ventilation for over the past 10 years. [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few. Check us out but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Metal Roofing Oakton VA

Metal Roofing Oakton VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  In this video I'm going to talk about a job we just installed Metal Roofing on a home in Oakton VA.  On this job we installed the Virginia favorite a Standing Seam Metal roof.  We also installed our premium level install which include our custom attic ventilation which comes in under the roof.  This will help in the summer and winter months.  In the summer it will help with the hot air which escapes through our custom vented metal ridge cap.  In the winter it will allow for all the moist air to escape keeping the attic free and clean or mold and mildew.

Colonial Red Standing Seam Metal Roof Metal Roofing Metal Roofing Oakton VA 9Colonial Red Standing Seam Metal Roof

I also wanted to talk about our Platinum installation which includes our complete patented under roof ventilation system exclusively for Alpha Rain customers only. This works by stopping all three ways that heat is transferred, which is direct heat, radiant heat and convective heat. We are able to accomplish this by introduction a radiant barrier which only works if you have an air gap.  Then we have an air space which allows for the hot air to escape which then brings in new cooler air.  Finally, we have a thermal break which stops the direct heat.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.  Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Oakton VA


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The article was made for the zip codes of 22124, 22181.
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Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Oakton VA Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  In this video I'm going to talk about a job we just installed Metal Roofing on a home in Oakton VA.  On this job we installed the Virginia favorite a Standing Seam Metal roof.  We also installed our premium level install which [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few. Check us out but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

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Metal Roofing Oakton VA

Metal Roofing Nokesville VA

Metal Roofing Nokesville VA


Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. I will shoe a sample of Metal Roofing Nokesville VA.  I will show you our ventilation system that will change your attic temperature from temps of 150 degrees down to 103 degree with the outside temperature at 90+ degrees.  We are Alpha Rain and we have been in the development of our ventilation system for metal roofs for over 10 years now.  We have the most advanced system, take a look at our video which shows this sample of a Metal roof.

Standing Seam Metal Roof  Metal Roofing Nokesville VA Dscf5002Standing Seam Metal Roofing

The biggest problem most homes have is that the hot air gets trapped in the attic and top of the second floor.  We have even seen major problems with hot air getting trapped in first floor homes as well.  We talk with some customers and ask if it gets hot in the second floor during the hotter summer days.  Some will say no, but we are really asking the wrong question, because if they have a strong AC unit it will be able to overcome even 170 degree in the attic just by running longer and harder.  The question that we should be asking is what's the temperature in your attic is when it is 85 degrees outside.  Most do not know, but the average is 150-170 degrees.  Those numbers are from actually tests not guesses, if you have attic air temperature that high which you probably do and don't know it, if we were able to change that to 103 degrees on an over 96 degree day would that not save you money in electricity and make your AC unit last longer?  The Answer is yes to both of those.  


We are Alpha Rain and this is what we do create energy efficient solutions for you and your home.  Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.  Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Nokesville VA


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The article was made for the zip codes of 0136, 20181.
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Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Nokesville VA   Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. I will shoe a sample of Metal Roofing Nokesville VA.  I will show you our ventilation system that will change your attic temperature from temps of 150 degrees down to 103 degree with the outside temperature at 90+ degrees.  We are [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

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Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few. Check us out but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

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Metal Roofing Nokesville VA

Metal Roofing Catlett VA

Metal Roofing Catlett VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. I will show our sample for Metal Roofing Catlett VA. In this video I will also show our patented ventilation system that will transform the temperature in your attic from 150 degrees to 103 degrees.  We have been working on this our ventilation system for over 10 years and now have one that works amazingly.

Standing Seam Metal RoofIng  Metal Roofing Catlett VA cropped fairfaxblogmianpic1Standing Seam Metal RoofIng

Most homes have problems with hot air in attics, I know mine does.  You might be wondering why I have not installed this system in my own house.  The reason is because I just bought it 5 months ago, but I will be installed our under metal roof ventilation system in my home asap.  We installed this system in my first house as a prototype and it worked so well that I could not even believe it.  In fact we bought our new house and we were still working on putting our old house on the market.  I had set the AC way up because we were not living in the house it was around 86 degrees inside the house.  I had to do some clean up and move some boxes out; it was hot so I turned the AC down to 76.  It had been about 10 minutes and the AC turned off and I thought "oh no it just quite working."  Nope it reached its set point of 76 degrees in 10 minutes, and that was mainly because of our under roof ventilation system.  Before we installed that system it would take much longer to cool my old house.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and our just released Econo Metal Roof Same Price as Shingles, just to name a few, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Catlett VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip code of 20119.
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Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Catlett VA Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. I will show our sample for Metal Roofing Catlett VA. In this video I will also show our patented ventilation system that will transform the temperature in your attic from 150 degrees to 103 degrees.  We have been working on this our [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.
20186 Warrenton


  • 540-222-1642

Email address



Phone 540-222-1642 Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs Virginia. We offer exclusive Metal roofing which includes like our patented under metal roof ventilation system, optimized MTO custom solar powered fans, No leak W Valley, our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing, and just released Econo Metal Roof (Same Price as Shingles) just to name a few. Check us out but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

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Metal Roofing Catlett VA

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Metal Roofing Calverton VA

Metal Roofing Calverton VA


Standing Seam Metal Roof on an Old Farm House Metal Roofing Metal Roofing Calverton VA P5050022Standing Seam Metal Roof on an Old Farm House

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  I'm showing our metal roofing for Calverton VA.  In this video we will show a model of our standing seam metal roofing and how our patented under metal roof ventilation system works.  We are able to fix a lot of high temperature in attics, the average attic has a temperature of 150 degrees in the summer, even on an 85 degree day, we are able to take that 150 degree attic and turn it into only 103 degrees, and that is with the outside temperature at 96 degrees.  Our website is or you can reach us at 540-222-1642

We have a few different ventilation options that we offer only at Alpha Rain, we have created these options fixing all of the problems old and new houses have with ventilation.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like our under metal roof ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed roofing system, No leak W Valley, No  and our No Leak Riglet Chimney flashing to name a few, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or 

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Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Calverton VA



For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20138
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Alpha Rain Metal Roofing Business Office

Metal Roofing Calverton VA   Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  I'm showing our metal roofing for Calverton VA.  In this video we will show a model of our standing seam metal roofing and how our patented under metal roof ventilation system works.  We are able to fix a lot of high temperature in [...]

9389 Harts Mill Rd.


  • 540-222-1642

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Alpha Rain specializes in Metal Roofs in Central and Northern Virginia. Our patented under metal roof ventilation system solves heat problems in your attic and up stair saving your money in energy costs. For more info check out our website or contact us 540-222-1642

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