Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How Good is our crew…..Really?! by Alpha Rain Roofing of Northern Virginia [540-222-1642]

Recently we were taking a training class so we could be certified for certain manufacturer’s stone coated metal roofing. We were working on a mock up roof, seen below, and were being trained on how to do chimney flashing. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe noticed they were using a 3 piece flashing instead of the single unit flashing we use. After the session we asked if we could make the flashing we use so we could see if they would approve it. My son, Paul, and our foreman, Walter, made our flashing. After we installed it the trainer asked “what else do you do that is different?” We showed him a whole variety of specialty flashing. He acknowledged ours were better but that he didn’t know of any metal smiths that had the skill to duplicate our flashing. We were pleased but not surprised.

For more information about metal, asphalt or solar please visit our website or call us at 540-222-1642.


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