Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Making Metal Roofing Panels Middleburg Virginia


Making Metal Roofing Panels Middleburg Virginia

Metal Roofing Panels with snowbirdsMetal Roofing Panels with snowbirds

Phone 540-222-1642 we areAlpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We are on the job site in Middleburg VA making metal roofing panels.  We will show how the metal comes off the coils of metal by Sheffield metals and into the roll former machine to form the metal roofing panels.  Please take a look to see if you like the how metal roofs are made.  We located in Bloomfield VA north of Middleburg VA and South of Leesburg VA.

When you have a standing seam metal roof installed it is always best to have the machine that makes the panels make them right on the job site.  This is a prepainted metal roof and if the metal roofing panels were made offsite and then transported to the job site you will incur quite a few scratches on the paint.  We know because 15 years ago before we had machines to make the panels onsite we would do just that, and every time we would always get some scratches in the paint.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Making Metal Roofing Panels Middleburg Virginia


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.

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The article was made for the zip codes of 20175, 20176.
Thanks for reading Making Metal Roofing Panels Middleburg Virginia





Making Metal Roofing Panels Middleburg Virginia appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Making Metal Roofing Panels Middleburg Virginia

Snow Birds Warrenton VA Metal Roofing

Snow Birds Warrenton VA Metal Roofing


Snow Birds Warrenton VA Metal Roofing


Are snow birds needed?Are snow birds needed?

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company Alpha Rain Metal roofing live video was taken from our place in Warrenton VA.  We are showing that snow birds really do work; in fact you will see a standing seam metal roof that has snow birds and one that doesn't have snow birds.  We will show and describe how and why they work.

This is an age old question that we get from customers through out Virginia, do we need snowbirds, if you do not know what snow bird are or do, they basically keep the snow or ice on the roof without it coming down all at once.  The video shows what happens once it has snowed and that they do work.  In Warrenton Virginia you do need snow birds.  This video was taken in winter of 2014, and in the past winters we have gotten enough snow that if it all came off the roof at once it would damage plants for hurt a person.  Safety is always best, we recommend that you at minimum put them at all the door ways where people enter or any places below the roof that people might be walking when snow or ice is on the roof.


Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Snow Birds Warrenton VA Metal Roofing


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20186, 20187, 20188.
Thanks for reading Snow Birds Warrenton VA Metal Roofing



Snow Birds Warrenton VA Metal Roofing appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA

Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA

http://www.alpharain.comEvergreen Standing Seam Metal RoofEvergreen Standing Seam Metal Roof

Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA

Contact us at: 434 207-5560 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.
Showing the most energy efficient Metal roof patented ventilation system on a Standing Seam Metal Roof in Charlottesville, VA

Alpha Rain has developed a new innovative Energy Efficient Roof Ventilation system for Metal Roofs in VA, we are putting this patented roof on many homes in the Charlottesville VA area.


Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA


There are 3 ways to transmit heat:

  • Direct heat transfer-think of a tea kettle on an open flame
  • Convective heat transfer- think of a turkey in an oven where the hot air cooks the turkey
  • Radiant heat transfer- think of popcorn in a microwave


Our new Radiant Therma Vent roofing system addresses all three. The Radiant Therma Vent panel acts as a thermal break to stop the direct heat transfer. The air ventilation we introduce into the radiant Thema Vent system stops the convective heat transfer by ventilating the hot air out of the ridge and pulling in the cool air from the eave area. This system even vents the hot air from the attic. The use of a Radiant barrier stops the radiant heat transfer. This radiant barrier is so intelligent that in the winter it stops the radiant heat from leaving your house!

This system is only available from Alpha Rain, your metal roof specialist. We will be happy to show you a prototype of this system and actually take apart a portable mock up of a section of roof. We will also show you on a digital photo what your home will look like with a metal roof. We can even show you different roof colors so you won't be guessing what color will look best. See all these new technologies on our website at AlphaRain.com (434) 207-5560

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 434 207-5560 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 22901, 22902, 22903, 22911, 22920.
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Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Metal Roofing Chimney Flashing in Leesburg Virginia

Metal Roofing Chimney Flashing in Leesburg Virginia


Metal Roofing Chimney Flashing in Leesburg Virginia

Leesburg Virginia Chimney FlashingLeesburg Virginia Chimney Flashing

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We are the metal roofing company alpha rain this video is for  Leesburg VA. I will show you how normal chimney flashing is and what a riglet chimney flashing is and how it will not allow leaks from happening. A good roofer knows what a riglet is and how to install them around chimneys and other wall flashing.  Unfortunately that is not a lot of roofers around that are good roofers, because out of all the roofs that we inspect and reroof I would say that only about 5% have a riglet for flashing.  A Riglet is when you actually will cut into the stone or brick and inch or more and then tuck your flashing into it, instead of taking the metal flashing and putting it right up to the stone or brick and then applying the caulk, basically using the caulk as glue.  That only works for about a year or two in some case, and a little longer if you are lucky.  Once the caulk pulls away which will happen then the water every time it will leak will run down behind the flashing and you start seeing leaking at those locations.  When you install a riglet

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Chimney Flashing in Leesburg Virginia

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20175, 20176.
Thanks for reading Metal Roofing Chimney Flashing in Leesburg Virginia

Metal Roofing Chimney Flashing in Leesburg Virginia appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Radiant Barrier


Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Radiant Barrier

Radiant Barrier on Metal RoofRadiant Barrier on Metal Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. This is for Leesburg VA and I will show you what a radiant barrier is and what the function is and why it is important.  A radiant barrier only works if you have an air gap, without an air gap the radiant barrier will not work.  We have been using a radiant barrier for a long time now, and it is the only way to go if you are trying to radiate the heat out of your attic or roofing system.

We use it in our under roof ventilation system that we have created and it works very nicely reflecting all the radiant heat, but it works even better when you have air flow and a thermal break.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Radiant Barrier


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20175, 20176.
Thanks for reading Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Radiant Barrier

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Radiant Barrier appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Radiant Barrier

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing W Valley


Leesburg VA Metal Roofing W Valley

The best Metal Roofing Valley, will never leak!The best Metal Roofing Valley, will never leak!

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This is for Leesburg VA I will show you what a normal metal roofing Valley is and what a normal metal Valley is and why W Valleys are so important to stop leaks from occurring.   We had some problems with leaking in valleys on the normal traditional valleys.  The average age house we work on is over 100 years old, and most of the time they have standing seam tin roofs that are normally 80-100 years old, and in one case even 120 years old, so we are able to learn from what the old tin smiths did a century ago.  One day we were removing an old tin roof and found that they installed a W Valley.  Now we install W valleys on all of our metal roofing applications and installations.  We have never had a W Valley leak ever, and we also do not know of any metal roofing installer that installs a W valley, if you have a normal valley installed it will most likely be ok until you have a roof of snow.  Snow will find a way in if you do not have a W valley, we know from experience.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Leesburg VA Metal Roofing W Valley


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20175, 20176.
Thanks for reading Leesburg VA Metal Roofing W Valley

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing W Valley appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing W Valley

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Snowbirds


Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Snowbirds

Are snow birds needed?Are snow birds needed?

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This is for Leesburg VA and I will show you what snowbirds are and why they are important.  Snow birds are made to keep the know from falling off, if you have a standing seam metal roof which is the most popular here in Virginia without snow birds on the first warmer sunny day all the snow will fall off all at once.  This is very dangerous if the snow falls on someone or an animal.  In Leesburg VA you need to  install snowbirds on any metal roof where any entrances are or people will be walking.  The next thing you need to keep in mind is gutters and bushes; if you have either then snow birds would be a good idea. On a one foot or more snow you will have damage to both gutters and bushes.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Snowbirds


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20175, 20176.
Thanks for reading Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Snowbirds




Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Snowbirds appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Snowbirds

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Vented J Channel

Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Vented J Channel


Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Vented J Channel

Custom Vented J ChannelCustom Vented J Channel

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  This is for Leesburg VA, I'm going to show you are vented J channel custom handmade only by alpha rain.  Think about a ridge that has no place for air to escape.  What if the air cannot escape how can we call it a vented ridge?  The Truth is it cannot and it will not allow the air to escape.  99% of all metal roofs do not have a way for the air to escape even though they have a ridge cap.  Most of our customer tell us that they have problems with heat it their attics, and the other customer normally don't know how hot it gets in the attic, we will go into the attic take real time temperature, which for any day that is over 85 degrees outside we test attic and the average is about 150-170 degrees.  If you do not have a vented J Channel for your ridge cap of your metal roof, the roof will not vent your attic at all, and that 150 plus degrees will stay in your attic.  By having a vented J Channel we are able to bring those attic temperatures down to 120 degrees with our premium system, and we can bring it down to the same temperature as the outside air temperature with our platinum system.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition will not be able to provide you products like are under metal roof self-ventilation system, optimized custom solar powered fans designed for you attic and roofing system, but we leave it up to you the customer to decide you self.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Vented J Channel


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20175, 20176.
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Leesburg VA Metal Roofing Vented J Channel appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Middleburg VA Metal Roof Installation


Middleburg VA Metal Roof Installation

Stone House We Installed A Standing Seam Metal Roof OnStone House We Installed A Standing Seam Metal Roof On

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We are installing a Metal Roofing job in Middleburg VA, near Round Hill VA and north of Upperville VA.  We are installing a Standing Seam Metal Roof on a House that had an old Standing Seam Metal Roof.  This is during the installation and shows how the process works.  Sheffield Metals is the manufacture of the pre-pained Galvalume metal.

We have been specializing in metal roofs for over a decade and a half and have created the nation's leading ventilation systems for metal roofs.  That is why you will see at the bottom for a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can go and find other metal roofing companies along with our, we know that what we offer in Metal roofing, such as a W valley and our above mentioned Under metal roof ventilation system there is not another installer that offers what we offer, and we want to prove it to you by having our competition show you what they will.  Then compare that to what we have created and offer and you make the choice.  A informed customer is our best customer.

 Bloomfield VA is the exact location of this video, which just south of Middleburg VA and is South of Purcellville VA.

Below we have our information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition improves what we offer.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com  

MRA Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Middleburg VA Installation


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20117, 20118.
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Middleburg VA Metal Roof Installation appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Middleburg VA Metal Roof Installation

Metal Roofing Middleburg VA


Metal Roofing Middleburg VA


Red Standing Seam Metal RoofRed Standing Seam Metal Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We Alpha Rain Metal Roof Specialist are installing a metal roof near Middleburg Virginia.  I wanted to show what a double lock panel is and how it works, I will show what the metal roofing panels look like and how they fit together.

The reason we like the double lock panel so much is that it will not leak, and it can we installed on a ¼ 12 slope, which means it can be installed on a flat roof with a small pitch as long as the panels are single solid panels that run the entire run.  The double lock is what it sounds like it double locks by the metal turning into itself twice.  The older standing seam metal roofs that you see here in Virginia are all single lock panels.  Those were great metal roofing systems of their time, however because everything was made my hand and bent by hand a single lock was the best that could be done for that time period.  Now with machines was are able to put a mechanical seamer on the seam and that is what double locks the panels together and it gives a straight line that looks completely informed.

Below we have out information and contact info, and also below that I have a link to the Metal Roofing Alliance where you can find contractors, more than just us Alpha Rain.  We believe that competition helps us.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com  

Find A Contractor

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Middleburg VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20117, 20118.
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Metal Roofing Middleburg VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Metal Roofing Middleburg VA

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Metal Roofing Middleburg VA on Jobsite


Metal Roofing Middleburg VA on Jobsite

Evergreen Standing Seam Metal RoofEvergreen Standing Seam Metal Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. Metal Roofing Installation on a jobsite near Middleburg VA, we are taking of and old barn tin aluminum roof shown in the video and replacing it with a 35 year warranty metal roof by Sheffield Metal Manufacture.  We are going to show the new metal roof, and explain what oil canning is and how to keep it from happening as much or more depending on what you are installing it on.

A lot of viewers might be looking for a contractor, we would of course recommend contacting us, but if you want more than just us to look at as contractors the Metal Roofing Alliance is a great place to find contractors.  You might be wondering why we would invite you to check out our competition, the reason is simple we want you the customer to be the most informed in making the best decision that you can, also we offer many products that we have created and invented, such as our Under Metal Roof Ventilation system by Alpha Rain. 

Find A Contractor

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Middleburg VA on JobSite


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20117, 20118.
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Metal Roofing Middleburg VA on Jobsite appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Metal Roofing Middleburg VA on Jobsite

Fabral Metal Roofing


Fabral Metal Roofing 

Standing Seam Metal RoofStanding Seam Metal Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  Fabral Metal Roofing is a manufacture that produces pre-painted metal roofing coil and metal wall products.  This video is to talk about the quality and product Fabral has from a metal roofing contractors view point.  Also we are going to talk about metal roofing caulk that is custom from Fabral for their metal roofing colors.

Take a look at the video below you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com 

If you are looking for a list of Contractors who provide metaling roofing in your area take a look at The Metal Roofing Alliance

Please take a look at our video titled Fabral Metal Roofing 

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for metal roofing
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Fabral Metal Roofing appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Fabral Metal Roofing

Metal Roofing

Metal Roofing


Metal Roofing


Standing Seam RoofingStanding Seam Roofing

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  I will talk about Metal Roofing, and how people can find quality metal roofing companies in their local area.  MetalRoofing.com is a great place to start; they are the Meal Roofing Alliance.  This is a great company that connects the home owner with qualified contractors who install metal roofs and metal roofing manufactures.  We are a metal roofing company in Virginia and we are part of the metal roofing alliance.  As a customer you can go onto metalroofing.com and input your information and then get a list of metal roofing contractors.  Each one of these contractors has to pay a yearly fee, but also have to be sponsored by a qualified metal roofing manufacture.  We Alpha Rain as a metal roofing company would recommend you look into them as a great source to find contractors and manufactures. Find A Contractor

Take a look at the video below we will show you a sample of a standing seam metal roof with our ventilation system on it, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com


Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for metal roofing
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Metal Roofing Middleburg VA


Metal Roofing Middleburg VA

Standing Seam Metal RoofStanding Seam Metal Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  For Metal Roofing Middleburg VA we have created a patented roof ventilation system.  We have installed over three dozen installations with this new patented ventilation system.  I wanted to talk about what the results were on a house we installed this ventilation system on.  WE tested the temperature and it was 96 degrees outside and 150 degrees in the attic, then once we installed the ventilation system it was 96 degrees outside and it was 103 degrees inside the attic.

These results have never been seen on a system that is affordable.  We have been researching this type of ventilation system for over 10 years and the biggest problem of the systems from the past was the cost involved installing it.  Most of the past systems use a counter batten woods system, which while it may get some results the cost is way out of hand, plus you are using a lot natural resources that with our under metal roof ventilation system you do not have to use.  If you are interested in finding ways for make you house cooler in the summer and also in the winter getting the trapped moist air out or from even coming into your house then you should at least talk to us and see what your options are.  Our direct numbers are below and above.  We are a low pressure company.  Take a look at the video below we will show you a sample of a standing seam metal roof with our ventilation system on it, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Middleburg VA

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20117, 20118.
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Metal Roofing Middleburg VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Metal Roofing Middleburg VA

Metal Roofing Warrenton VA


Metal Roofing Warrenton VA

Standing Seam Metal RoofStanding Seam Metal Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  Metal Roofing Warrenton VA has made a description of our metal roofing patented energy saving ventilation system in the video below.  We want to talk about Warrenton VA and the metal roofs we are installing in that area.  We have been working on a new patented metal roof ventilation system that can save a lot on energy saving by air movement and getting the hot air out of your attic along with the under roof ventilation system that keep the hot air from entering your attic.  The test example that we did was on a house that had little or no ventilation no ridge vents no soffit vents, so we installed our ventilation system and had amazing results. 

In fact amazing don't not even get close to accounting for what the results really were, the attic temperature was at over 150 on a 96 degree day, and we installed our system and now that attic was 96 degrees at the base and 103 at the peak on the same 96 degree day.  There is nothing on the market that can claim or prove the same results.


Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Warrenton VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of 20186, 20187, 20188.
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Metal Roofing Warrenton VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Metal Roofing Warrenton VA

Metal Roofing Culpeper VA


Metal Roofing Culpeper VA

House with Snow Birds on a metal RoofHouse with Snow Birds on a metal Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  Metal Roofing Culpeper VA, in this video I will show the description of our metal roofing system with our patented energy saving ventilation system.  We want to talk about our local area of Culpeper VA and the metal roofs we install here.  We have designed and made a roof ventilation system that is installed under the roof that will allow for air to travel under your metal roof and creates a thermal break, a radiant barrier and stop the convective heat.

I just sold my first house that we installed this system on for as a prototype a couple years back.  The system worked so well now that I've sold my house and moved into another house that does not have this under roof metal roofing ventilation system I miss how even the temperature in the house was, and the lower cooling cost we very nice.  I will never live in a house without this system, it doesn't matter where in the county I live, it has amazing results in the summer or the winter.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com



Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Culpeper VA

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of  22701.

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Metal Roofing Culpeper VA

Metal Roofing Leesburg VA


Metal Roofing Leesburg VA

Snow Birds on Metal RoofMetal Roofing Leesburg VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We are going to talk about Snow Birds for Metal roofs, also known as snow guards.  We will talk about if there is enough snow each year to even consider snow birds, and how they are installed on standing seam metal roofs.

Quite a few of our customers choose not to installed snow birds due to the cost.  They are expensive, they are $25 each.  We have ours powder coated which should last the length of the paint on the metal roof which is 35 years, if you spray paint or brush paint them the paint will come of the first snow or ice that we have.  Getting back to if you need them in Leesburg VA, after the two snows we had in the winter of 2009 and 2010 most of the customers that choose to not have snow birds installed had most of their gutters damaged and lots of shrubs and bushes below damaged or kill when the snow or ice came failing down.

In conclusion in Leesburg you need snow birds, every few years we get enough snow that it would do more damage to gutters and other bushes around your house to pay the money up front to get them installed.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email info@alpharain.com or AlphaRain.com

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Leesburg VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


The article was made for the zip codes of  20175, 20176.

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Metal Roofing Leesburg VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Metal Roofing Leesburg VA

Monday, September 22, 2014

Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA

Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA


Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA


Are snow birds needed?Are snow birds needed?

Phone 434-207-5560 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We wanted to talk about snow birds and if they are needed for metal roofing in Charlottesville, VA.  We will also talk about how they are installed and what the reason for snow birds are.  All of our snow birds are powder coated and we will talk about that process and why that is important.

Snowbirds are needed is you have a 4 inch snow or more.  You will see these on most all the places of shopping.  The snow will slide off all at once, we do recommend them over all the doorway of any home or building.  Safety is always first, but we do leave the areas that you will not be walking up to you whether you put snow birds up or not.

Take a look at our video and please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642


Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



The article was made for the zip codes of  22901, 22902, 22903, 22904.

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Metal Roofing Solar VA


Metal Roofing Solar VA


IMG_2787Phone is 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We have been installing metal roofing systems for over a decade; we have designed and created the industry’s leading ventilation system in America.  In this video we are going to talk about how and why metal roofing with a standing seam metal roof is one of the best roofing systems for solar systems.

We want you are customs (even if you don’t use our company) to know the most you can about and have the best information when you make a decision in purchasing a metal roofing system or Solar System for your house.  As you will see in the video the main reason that solar is best installed on a standing seam metal roof is that you do not have to penetrate the metal roof.   When you install solar panels on a normal asphalt shingle roof you have to drill the screws right through the shingles, this can have some problems later down the road.  Then you also have to deal with the fact that most asphalt shingle roofs don’t even last 15-20 years now.


Take a look at our video and please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642


Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Solar VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



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Arlington VA Metal Roofing

Arlington VA Metal Roofing


Arlington VA Metal Roofing



Standing Seam Metal RoofStanding Seam Metal Roof

Phone is 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain the Metal Roofing Company.  We have developed a new Energy Efficient Roof Ventilation system for Metal Roofs in Arlington VA, we are installing this patented roof on many homes in the Arlington VA area. 

We started the research and development of this new product over 10 years ago.  Most of the homes that we work on are over 100 plus years old and what we were finding is that ventilation was a huge problem.  In fact we found that most builder today and of the past have very little knowledge of ventilation or how it works.  We know what we know only by trial and error and hundreds of hours of research into radiant barriers, air flow by ventilation and dozens of other related topics.

Now that we have solved the problem of hot air being trapped in attics and fighting against your AC, we are researching other energy saving advancements.  Take a look at our video and please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642




Please take a look at our video titled: Arlington VA Metal Roofing


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.

These are the zip codes that we service in Arlington VA 22101, 22201, 22202, 22203, 22204, 22205, 22207, 22209, 22211, 22213, 22214

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Metal Roofing Sumerduck VA

Metal Roofing Sumerduck VA


Metal Roofing Sumerduck VA

Colonial Red Standing Seam Metal RoofColonial Red Standing Seam Metal Roof

We are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company, our number is 540-222-1642. I have recorded a short video about our metal roofing system and our ventilation system for Sumerduck VA.  If you have high temperatures in your attic you need to see this video, we have our own patented ventilation system that we have created over the last 10 years that will bring average attic temperatures from 150 degrees down to 103 degrees.

We are a no hassle Family business, my father and I run the company and it would be either one of us that would meet with you in person to show you the samples and go over how and what we do, and why it works.  I'm the guy in the video and would love to show you a more detailed explanation of how it would work.

The under roof ventilation system that we created over a 10 year period is the only option in this market that will get you results of attic air temperature at the base of the attic that is the same as the outside air temperature.  Please browse our website on the links above or below.  We have more information about this system online and would love to drive a couple minutes down the road to Sumerduck VA from are offices in Warrenton VA to show you are metal roofing system and options.


Take a look at our video and please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642


Please take a look at our video titled: Metal Roofing Sumerduck VA

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.


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Metal Roofing Remington VA


Metal Roofing Remington VA

Colonial Red Standing Seam Metal RoofColonial Red Standing Seam Metal Roof

Phone number 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We have a short video about our metal roofing systems for Remington VA.  We will show our patented under roof ventilation system that we have created and has been installing on many houses locally.  We have solved many problems with temperatures in the attic of over 150 degrees, being able to bring that temperature down to 103 degrees with our system.

High attic air temperature are a huge problem for homes and if you don't know what temperature it is in your attic you might be spending a couple hundred extra bucks a year just cooling your house by fighting against you hot attic.  Our Platinum metal roofing system have the under roof ventilation that will bring your attic down to whatever the outside air temperature is during the middle of the summer.  We know this to be true for Remington VA, because we have installed enough systems to have confirmed data to support our claims above.


Take a look at our video and please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642

Please take a look at our video titled: Metal Roofing Remington VA


For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



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Metal Roofing Remington VA

Metal Roofing Bealeton VA


Metal Roofing Bealeton VA


Hartford Green Metal RoofHartford Green Metal Roof

Phone is 540-222-1642; we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company. This is a short video about metal roofing for Bealeton VA, I will show our high tech patented under roof ventilation system and how it works and a model of a standing seam metal roof.  We have solved many hot attic ventilation problems with our simple system.

We have three lines of metal roofing installation systems.  The first is the basic install with no ventilation but with our exclusive no leak W valleys and Diamond cut riglet flashing.  Our second is the premium install with all of the above and a custom drip edge to allow for air to enter your attic without costly soffit vents. Along with our custom vented J channel ridge vent (exclusively by us Alpha Rain), this will allow for the attic to vent, also the option to add on 10-20 optimized solar powered fans spaced 4-5 feet.  Our last is the Platinum install system which had our patented self-venting under roof ventilation system with a radiant barrier.  We would need to show you this system in person with sample, which we would be willing to meet with you.

Take a look at our video and please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642

Please take a look at our video titled: Metal Roofing Bealeton VA




For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



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Metal Roofing Bealeton VA

Fairfax Roofing Under Roof Ventilation

Fairfax Roofing Under Roof Ventilation


Fairfax Roofing Under Roof Ventilation


Shingle RoofShingle Roof

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We are showing our new patented roof ventilation system for normal Asphalt Shingled Roofs for Fairfax Virginia.  We have developed our under roof ventilation system first for metal roofs which had been a huge savings to our metal roof customers in the summer in their cooling cost!  Now we have developed the same ventilation system for regular asphalt shingle roofs.  

We are very excited to be able to offer this to our Fairfax Virginia Customers.  Please call for more information or a consultation and live demonstration.  Also ask about our sister Company Virginia Green Solar, and our customer made solar fans for additional ventilation.  


  If you would like a free estimate please call us at: 540-222-1642 and visit us on our site at AlphaRain.com


Please take a look at our video titled: Fairfax Roofing Under Roof Ventilation




For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



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Fairfax Roofing Under Roof Ventilation appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Leesburg Metal Roof Installation


Leesburg Metal Roof Installation


Matte Black Metal RoofMatte Black Metal Roof

Our number is 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain the Metal Roofing Company.  Earlier this week we shot a video of a new metal roof installation being installed in Leesburg Virginia,  As you can see by the underlayment we do are not the average roofing company.  That foil looking underlayment is a radiant barrier.  We have three lines of metal roofing systems that can be installed on your house. 

The first is the basic system installation that would include a basic underlayment, along with our no leak W Valley, (Custom made only by Alpha Rain) are no leak diamond cut riglet around chimneys and wall flashing, and are custom onsite made drip edge and flashings.

The Second is our Premium system includes all the above plus has our Radiant Barrier, custom made venting through our drip edge for your attic, vented J Channel for a vented working ridge cap, and optional add on of our Solar powered optimized ridge fans (created custom for your house by us Alpha Rain, average houses need 10-20 of these optimized ridge fans spaced average 4-5 feet each).

Lastly is our Platinum System which includes the above plus our Patented self-venting under metal roofing ventilation system.  There are quite a few components to this system.  The best possible way to understand this system is for us to show you real samples in person.  Please take a look at our video below I show a similar sample and will explain about our Platinum metal Roofing system.


  If you would like a free estimate please call us at: 540-222-1642 and visit us on our site at AlphaRain.com


Please take a look at our video titled: Leesburg Metal Roofing Installation



For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



Thanks for reading the Leesburg Metal Roof Installation Article

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Leesburg Metal Roof Installation

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rapidan VA Metal Roofing


Rapidan VA Metal Roofing

540-222-1642 We are Alpha Rain the Metal Roofing Company.  This video is for Rapidan Virginia, I will be talking about our patented venting system that goes underneath our metal roofs.  We are able to change attic temperatures of 150 degrees to 103 degrees in the average attics.

We all want to not be wasteful of the resources that we have and normally that costs extra money to do that.  However, in the case of are under roof ventilation system although it does cost extra it will pay you back on how much energy you will not use on you AC in the Summer months.  We have seen this time and time again where are customers are so surprised are how much cooler their house feels in the summer after we install are under roof ventilation system.

Take a look at our video and please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642

Please take a look at our video titled: Rapidan VA Metal Roofing



For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



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White Shop VA Metal Roofing


White Shop VA  Metal Roofing


Metal Roofing White Shop  VAMetal Roofing White Shop VA

We Alpha Rain and can be reached at 540-222-1642.  We made this video for white shop VA. I wanted to talk about our metal roofing ventilation system. We are able to take attic temperatures of 150 degrees and change that into 103 degrees.  This was not accomplished by accident we have over 10 years research and development on attic air and under roof ventilation.  Do you have heat problems in your attic, most customers have no idea how hot it is in their attic on a given summer day.  Most would be amazed to find out that we get average temperature reading of 150 to 160 degree readings in the attic, and that is on an 85-90 degree outside air temperature day. You would be supplied to find that if you have an asphalt shingle roof your attic will be the over 150 degrees.  Our ventilation system ventilates the attic and under the metal roof will drop your attic air temperature to 103 degrees at the peak and the same air temperature as the outside air temperature.  These results are real

Take a look at our video and please check us out at Alpha Rain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642



Please take a look at our video titled: White Shop VA  Metal Roofing

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.



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White Shop VA Metal Roofing

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

South Merrimac VA Metal Roofing


South Merrimac VA Metal Roofing

South Merrimac Metal RoofingSouth Merrimac Metal Roofing

We are Alpha Rain the Metal roofing Company and can be reached at: 540-222-1642. This video is made for the great people of South Merrimack VA. We are the metal roofing company alpha rain.  I wanted to show in this video our exclusive ventilation system for metal roofing.  We have made remarkable strides of changing attic air temperatures of high 150 degree temperatures to 103 degrees when the outside air temperature is only 96 degree.

Ten years ago we ran into several problems with homes from the 1700 and  early 1800s that had no way for any ventilation, or air to enter into the attic space.  The stone or brick walls came up all the way where the roof started, and there was no over hang of the roof making it impossible to install traditional soffit vents.  This is a problem of a lot of older homes that are 100-200 years old.  We started trying to figure out a way to vent these roofs and we did find a way, we do that by allow the air to go underneath our roof by way of the drip edge and a mesh for air flow.  This was the start of our development of a system that is now leading the US in attic and roof ventilation bar none.  We have installed this type of metal roofing system in a home in South Merrimac VA.  Please check us out at AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642


Take a look at our video Titled: South Merrimac VA Metal Roofing

For more info please fill out the contact form below and I the guy in the video will contact you.


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South Merrimac VA Metal Roofing

Reva VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System

Reva VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System


Reva VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System

Reva VAMetal Roofing

We are Alpha Rain the Metal Roofing Company and can be reached at 540-222-1642 We made this video for Reva VA, we are the metal roofing company alpha rain and in this video I wanted to show our exclusive ventilation system that we have designed and created. We have had a lot of success with this energy efficiency ventilation system.

We have now installed this system on dozens of homes with the same amazing results, we are able to get every attic down to the same temperature as the outside air temperature at the base, and get it down to within 6-7 degrees at the peak of the outside air temperate.  If you have not checked you attic to see how hot it is in the summer months, get a digital laser thermometer and wait for a 95+ degree day and you will be surprised to see readings of 160-170 degrees or higher.

Take a look at our video and please check us out at http://www.alpharain.com/contact-us/ or you can reach us at 540-222-1642


In this Video titled: Reva VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System
I will describe it and show actual samples of it.

For more info or question please fill out your form and I the guy in the video will get back with you.


Reva VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System

Reva VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fairfax Metal Roofing Ventilation


Fairfax Metal Roofing Ventilation


fairfax metal roofingWe’ve begun selling our patented ventilation system for both shingle & metal roofs in the Fairfax Virginia area.  Please give us a call at 540-222-1642 or take a look at our website AlphaRain.com


Our Ventilation system we created for metal roofs and have not installed it on a test case Asphalt Shingle roof.  The test case was in Haymarket VA and we were getting attic air temperature reading of over 150+ degrees on a 96 degree day.  Once we installed out system we normally install only on metal roofing, we waited for another 96 degree day and found that the attic air temperature was now only 96 at the base of the attic and 103 degrees at the peak of the attic.  These results prove that not only is this system a near miracle but transforms any attic to a reasonable temperature, saving you money in energy cost by not having to run your AC system near as long.  Please contact us at AlphaRain.com for more info or call for a free estimate 540-222-1642 if you live in Fairfax VA 22031


Check out our video titled: Fairfax Metal Roofing Ventilation



For more info  please fill out the form below and I will get back with any question that you might have.



Fairfax Metal Roofing Ventilation appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Fairfax VA Metal Roofing


Fairfax VA Metal Roofing

We are Alpha Rain and can be reached at 540-222-1642.  We have developed a new innovative Energy Efficient Roof Ventilation system for Metal Roofs in Fairfax Va, we are installing this patented metal roof technology on many homes in the Fairfax VA area.metal roofing


We started about ten years ago with basic ventilation system which all helped, but we never were able to completely solve the high temperatures in the attic.  With this system we now do just that!  We have solved dozens of homes that have had extremely high attic air temperature, many of which had readings of over 160 degrees in the attic on a 96 degree day.  Once we install our Roof Ventilation system on our metal roof, we are getting results of 96 degrees in the floor of the attic and 103 degrees at the peak on a 96 degree day.  That has never been done before with a reasonably priced ventilation system.  AlphaRain.com is our website and you can contact us at 540-687-0603


Check out our video titled: Fairfax VA Metal Roofing


For more info fill out the form below and I will get back with any question that you might have.


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Metal Roofing W Valley Fairfax VA


Metal Roofing W Valley Fairfax VA

metal roofing w valleyWe are Alpha Rain and can be reached at 540-222-1642, What is a W Valley in Metal Roofing?  I will show a real sample and explain what it is and why it is different and better than normal metal valleys.  We have created and designed our metal roofing w valleyown snow and water proof valley by Alpha Rain Metal Roofing.  Take a look at this W Valley and try and figure out for yourself if it could leak, If you think if can, contact me and tell me how you think it can.

Over the past 15 year of only installing metal roofing in and around northern and central Virginia, and Fairfax VA.  We have learned unmeasurable technics from the old tin smiths of 100 year past.  We as like most other roofing company had some troubles with Metal Valleys leaking during the 2003 snows. We were taking apart a more than 100 year old tin roof and saw a valley that we had never seen before.  It was a W valley (this can be seen in the picture above).   This is the best possible way to overcome leaks compared to normal metal roofing valleys.  We have not had a single leak with the installation of our W valleys ever.  We have been installing the W Valley for over 11 years now.  We are the only metal roofing company in all of Virginia that installs the W Valley with metal roofs.  For more info check out our website AlphaRain.com


Please take a look at our video titled: Metal Roofing W Valley Fairfax VA


For more info please fill your info below and I will be in touch



Thanks for taking a look at our article Metal Roofing W Valley Fairfax VA


Metal Roofing W Valley Fairfax VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Under Metal Roof Ventilation System Fairfax VA


Under Metal Roof Ventilation System Fairfax VAunder metal roof ventilation system fairfax va

We are Alpha Rain the Metal Roofing Company and can be reached at 540-222-1642. I have a sample of the under roof ventilation system for Fairfax VA that is patented by us Alpha Rain.  We use a radiant barrier along with our system to reflect even more heat making this the most energy efficient affordable roofing technology on the market.

Roof Ventilation is important  when the outside air temperature is 96 degrees the average attic air temperature is over 160 degrees.  We have found this time and time again on all the attic temperatures that we check.  This is big problem for you AC unit, it will have to work extra hard to fight against your attic not to mention the outside air temperature.  We have been able to take those 160 degree attics and turn them in to 96 degrees at the bottom and only 103 at the top where we vent the attic and the metal roof.  We accomplish this with our Under Metal Roof Ventilation System

You can reach us at 540-222-1642 or check out our website at AlphaRain.com

Please take a look at our Video titled Under Metal Roof Ventilation System Fairfax VA



Thanks for reading Under Metal Roof Ventilation System Fairfax VA

Under Metal Roof Ventilation System Fairfax VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Culpeper VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System


culpeper va metal roofing

Culpeper VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System

I have made this video for Culpeper VA, we are Alpha Rain and can be reached at 540-222-1642. We are The metal roofing company.  In this article I will be talking about Culpeper VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System that we created and now install on many homes. We are able to change attic temperatures of 150 degrees to 103 degrees with this venting system during the summer.  This is based off of actual testing of roofs that we have installed using our patented ventilation system.  We have installed this Ventilation System on several homes around Culpeper and would enjoy being able to help solve any problems you might have with heat in your attic or your first or second floor.  The Picture to the right was a home we installed a metal roof on in Culpeper VA

I had this metal roofing ventilation system installed under my metal roof at my first house, which is in the picture to the right located in Culpeper VA, and it works extremely well. Now I have just bought a new house that is a true second story house with the entire first floor covered by the second floor.  This summer the second floor was always about 10 degrees hotter than the first floor.  My house only has one AC system throughout the whole house.  This is a common problem with a lot of homes.  Our under roof ventilation system solves that problem, I cannot wait to install this Metal Roofing Ventilation System on my new house.   We have solved all of our customers problems with heat in the attic and their homes.  I don’t say all without meaning everyone.  We have never installed this system without amazing results.  We will show you samples of how this ventilation system works if we meet with you.

Take a look at our video titled: Culpeper VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System

AlphaRain.com or you can reach us at 540-222-1642

Local Videos

1.  Attic Ventilation
2. Nails or Screws
For more information please fill out our contact form and we will get back to you.


We hope you enjoyed reading about Culpeper VA Metal Roofing Ventilation system

Culpeper VA Metal Roofing Ventilation System appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Monday, September 8, 2014

How important is ventilation for reducing attic air temperature?


We are AlphaRain.com @ (540) 222-1642. We didn’t know the true answer so we conducted an experiment. We recently installed a roof that had soffit vents but not a lot of ridge vent. There was about 25% of the total ridge that was vented and then there were two gable vents at either end of the main gabled roof.

We took the attic air temperature on a sunny 88 degree day at 2 PM. In the middle of the attic at the peak it was 150 degrees. At either end close to the gable vents at the peak it was 129 degrees.

We then installed the roof in such a way that as air escaped through the full length vented ridge vent cooler air was drawn in through our unique vented eave vent.

Here are the results:

Date: Saturday 9/6/14

Time                                      Outside Temp                                   Attic Temp

12 noon                                                86                                           100

1 PM                                                      89                                           105

2 PM                                                      90                                           114

3 PM                                                      90                                           114

4 PM                                                      86                                           112

5 PM                                                      83                                           104

As you can see by only ventilating the attic properly we reduced the attic air temperature by 36 degrees.

Keep in mind the standing seam metal roof  was not a light colored standing seam metal roof but an Antique Black color.

Watch this video to see how to reduce it to 103 degrees.



For more information please visit our website, AlphaRain.Com or call us @ 540-222-1642 for pricing information




How important is ventilation for reducing attic air temperature? appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Metal Roofing Screws or Nails Leesburg VA



540-687-0603 is Our Alpha Rain main number,  Leesburg VA video on metal roofing panels using screws or nails. Take a look at our video and please check us out at http://www.alpharain.com/contact-us/

Here are other posts that are similar for Leesburg Va

1. Solar Attic Fans: http://www.alpharain.com/leesburg-va-metal-roofing-solar-fans-2 

2. Attic Venting: http://www.alpharain.com/leesburg-va-metal-roofing-attic-venting/ 

3.  Galvalume Vs. Galvanized: http://www.alpharain.com/leesburg-va-metal-roofing-galvalume-galvanized/

4. Glossy Paint Vs. Matte Finish : http://www.alpharain.com/leesburg-va-metal-roofing-matte-paint-glossy-paint/


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Metal Roofing Screws or Nails Leesburg VA appeared first on http://www.alpharain.com.